Author Archives: Editor


Lighthouse | Levelling up and the economic recovery


The economic impact of Covid-19 in the UK will be significant. The Office for Budget Responsibility has forecast that, during 2020, GDP is likely to fall by 12.8%, while unemployment could increase by as much as 10%.  The recovery from the damage that the pandemic has inflicted on the economy…

Engineers’ views on government ‘levelling up’ agenda sought


Industry professionals and local government stakeholders are being encouraged by the ICE to share their views on the role of infrastructure in the government’s “levelling up” agenda. Feedback and submissions are sought as part of an ICE consultation exercise. It is the first step in a wider piece of policy…

Results of Council elections and bylaw ballot


A new cohort of Council members has been elected to help direct the lifelong learning and engineering knowledge of the ICE. Results of the Council election and the bylaw ballot were announced at ICE’s Annual General Meeting on 21 July. Ten new Council members have been elected. They will take…

Carbon reduction consultation launched


An initiative to implement recommendations from the ICE’s recent State of the Nation report has been launched by the Institution.  It is called The Carbon Project: Towards Net Zero Infrastructure. The State of the Nation report examines the contribution of UK infrastructure to the nation’s 2050 net zero target and…

West Midlands view | Easing the housing crisis


There has long been a gap between housing supply and demand in the UK, which has caused the housing crisis we now see and hear of so often. The West Midlands is under significant pressure to deliver its housing target of 215,000 new homes by 2031, while also protecting green…

What’s on 20 to 26 August


Scotland 20 Aug: Membership surgery, Aberdeen. 9am to 4.30pm, online. Click here for more details. Contact 20 Aug: Membership surgery, Edinburgh online. 9am to 4.30pm, online. Click here for more details. Contact 26 Aug: Membership surgery, Perth online. 10.30am to 3.30pm, online. Click here for more details. Contact South East 20 Aug: Strategy for long-term energy storage to meet 2050…

What’s on 10 to 19 August

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East  Midlands 19 Aug: Green urbanisation and resilience from the roof to the road. 1pm to 2pm, webinar. Click here for more details. Contact North East 18 Aug to 29 Sept: Career appraisal workshops, North. 1pm to 4pm, online. Click here for more details. Contact 19 Aug: Membership surgery, North. 9am to 5pm, online. Click here for more details.…

What’s on 3 to 9 August

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South West 06 August: In focus – IPD online for developing engineers, South West and Wales. 4pm to 5.30pm, online. Click here for more details. Contact 06 August: In focus – IPD Online for SCEs, DEs and mentors, South West and Wales. 9am to 10.30am, online. Click here for more details. Contact Wales 06 August: In focus…

What’s on 27 July to 2 August


National 29 July: Career Appraisal webinar. 1pm to 2pm. Click here for more details. Contact Scotland 28 July: Membership surgery Glasgow, online. 9am to 4.45pm, online. Click here for more details. Contact South East 28 July: Technician tea break: challenges and opportunities. 3pm to 4pm, webinar. Click here for more details. Contact South West 28 July: In focus – mind…