Past events

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Showing 21-30 of 668 results

COP 28 Side Event | Gender-Responsive Adaptation Action: Progress in NAP processes

This session will provide an update on the progress made in mainstreaming gender considerations into NAP processes globally. It will also showcase the efforts of three francophone countries supported by the NAP Global Network—Côte d’Ivoire, Haiti, and Senegal—to address gender inequalities through adaptation action.
Conference December 1, 2023

Valuing Sustainable Transport

All infrastructure investments generate benefits and costs, which is why it is crucial to identify, quantify, and analyze all impacts surrounding a project. IISD developed the Sustainable Asset Valuation (SAVi) method to do just that, helping investors, planners, and policy-makers make informed decisions about sustainable transportation investments. Join us for this webinar series on valuing sustainable transport with SAVi.
Webinar November 21, 2023