Comments on: London City Airport achieves carbon neutrality Civil engineering and construction news and jobs from New Civil Engineer Thu, 02 Jan 2020 10:56:23 +0000 hourly 1 New Civil Engineer 125 75 Civil engineering and construction news and jobs from New Civil Engineer By: James Stanton Thu, 02 Jan 2020 10:56:23 +0000 This seems like a good PR move. There is a demand from the public for ‘environmentally sustainable’ air travel. People have heard about the impending horrors of climate change and are keen to assuage their guilt, but without making significant or uncomfortable changes to their lifestyles. They are looking to airlines and airports to reassure them that air travel is OK.

Despite this, I am still suprised to see anything so nakedly greenwashing as an ‘Airport Carbon Accreditation’ programme, especially when it is acheived by carbon offsetting – an accounting trick which also dodges the need to make significant or uncomfortable changes.
