Tag Archives: Northern Powerhouse

Spotlight | Maximising benefits for the North


The UK’s infrastructure industry might be forgiven for being downhearted as we come into the New Year. Confidence in major project and programme delivery is at, what feels like, an all time low. The cancellation of Phase 2 of High Speed 2 (HS2) is a recent – and very public…

Jacobs appointed to develop West Yorkshire Mass Transit plans


The mass transit scheme is being developed by the West Yorkshire Combined Authority as part of plans to overhaul the transport network in the region. Jacobs’ work as development partner, on behalf of the McBains consortium, will focus on ensuring feasible options are developed on all corridors to unlock the…

Northern airports set for connectivity boost

Manchester Airport  3x2  4

The government has launched a review of regional airport connectivity across the UK, as it seeks to drive economic growth and make all regions more accessible from other parts of the country.