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Debate | Is an outcome-based approach to data capture the key to efficient asset management?
An outcome-led approach to data capture could revolutionise the way infrastructure assets are constructed and managed over their lifecycles, but barriers persist.
PiPcall develops new mobile telecoms system for remote construction sites
A large majority of construction companies state that integrated mobile technologies are of primary importance. Alongside the adoption of unified communication (UC) tools providing internet calling and incorporating functions like call recording, instant messaging and customer relationship management integration, there is an array of emerging mobile innovations. These mean that…
Water quality and data: a matter of trust
Sustainable Drainage Systems (SuDS) design is becoming ever more complex. There is a growing awareness that we must look after our water quality more carefully, backed up by policies such as the Plan for Water, published last year. Where there are risks that surface water may carry pollutants, it must…
White paper analyses how new legislation on biodiversity net gain (BNG) impacts engineers
Wavin has published a guide for civil engineers on mandatory biodiversity net gain (BNG) in UK housing developments.
Debate | How can infrastructure projects enhance social value delivery?
The Social Value Act became law in 2013. It requires public sector clients to factor in economic, social and environmental wellbeing when awarding construction contracts.
Are you making mistakes in design that are impacting projects?
Innovation is often our prerogative in design. How can we improve on what we did before with something new, something better? But can this come to the detriment of the project as a whole? In my experience, the answer is yes, sometimes it does. And the culprit is usually poor…
Environmental product declarations: a sustainability step-change for construction
With more and more focus on sustainability within construction and the whole life cycle of a building, engineers and specifiers are often looking for ways to evidence sustainability. Could Environmental Product Declarations (EPDs) be the answer?
Navigating reservoir expansion challenges in the United Kingdom
The UK reservoir sector is going through a period of transformation. After exponential expansion in the 19th and 20th centuries, major reservoir construction ceased at the end of the 20th century. No new major water supply reservoirs have been constructed for the last 30 years. In the 21st century, population-driven…
Why circular water management is the next step
It’s time to change how we think about water within housing developments, towns and cities, reversing our dependence on using water only once.