Author Archives: Sotiris Kanaris

Watch: Lessons learned from Brent Cross’ feasibility study


 This video was recorded at NCE’s 2023 Bridge Design and Management conference. Arcadis project manager Lu Cheng discusses the way the feasibility study on the Brent Bross interchange was conducted in order to help TfL bring 30 structures – the majority of which were built in the 1960s - …

Watch: How Network Rail is addressing climate change challenges


 This video was recorded at NCE's Rail and Transit conference 2023. Network Rail professional head for drainage and lineside Mona Sihota talks about extreme weather events and inefficient drainage as a cause of rail incidents and the need for a system level understanding of the relationship between water and rail…

Watch: Tackling climate resilience for maintaining infrastructure assets


 This video was recorded at NCE's Rail and Transit conference 2023. Arup associate director for asset management Miriam MacLennan discusses five steps to improve infrastructure asset resilience and explores the benefits of nature based solutions. She also provides insight on the outcomes in terms of resilience and environmental benefits of…